Blog Archives

Adventure Camp–White Mountains Rock and Zip

Each summer, Camp Takodah offers a series of adventure trips aimed at helping campers discover themselves.  The adventure to the White Mountain National Forest  was a monumental success this year. We climbed the granite cliffs of Square Ledge and Cathedral Ledge, swam in freshwater pools and waterfalls of Diana’s Bath, soared over the treetops on […]

Celebrating commitment to camp

Today, we celebrated three Ten-Year Jackets, and one Twenty-Year Jacket! Congratulations and thank you to Kyle Greenhaus, Ben Chapin, and Liam Byrer for your ten years of commitment to camp, and to Anders Burrows for spending twenty summers at Camp Takodah! You’ve certainly learned a lot from camp, and camp has learned a lot from […]

Loving Cass Pond!

We’ve lucked out with beautiful weather lately at Camp Takodah! There’s been plenty of sunshine to warm the lake, and plenty of wind to fill the sails. Make sure to check out our daily photo uploads at

Traditions at Camp

One of the things that makes Camp Takodah so special is our focus on traditions. This year, we will award many people with 10-year jackets, to honor their commitment to Camp Takodah, as well as Camp Takodah’s commitment to them! Last week, Josh Leff, Lucas Henry, and Harry Heyman all received jackets in a ceremony […]